Spring Flowers
Written by Rachel Downey
My Mission: To educate my customers on how to achieve the perfect lawn and landscaping.
It's springtime! The perfect time to plant beautiful flowers in your garden. Here are a few flower ideas for your garden.
1. Pansy
Pansies are annual plants that can be planted in early spring. These flowers are resilient in cold weather and can tolerate light frost. Pansies do not thrive as well in hot weather, which is why it is best to plant them in early spring. These flowers come in a variety of colors including yellow, orange, purple, red, and white.

2. Coneflower
Coneflowers are heat-resistant perennials. They are most commonly purple but can also be white, yellow, red, orange, and green. These flowers do best in full sun areas. Coneflowers also attract many animals such as butterflies, birds, and bees.

3. Zinnia
Zinnias come in many varieties. They can vary in color, height, number of petals, and shapes. Colors include pink, purple, red, orange, yellow, and white. Zinnias are an annual that should be planted after the last frost, and they prefer full sun areas.

4. Impatiens
Impatiens are an annual flower that likes shade and moisture. These flowers should be planted after the last frost. Impatiens come in many colors: red, pink, purple, white, coral, and yellow.

5. Black-Eyed Susan
Black-eyed Susans can be perennials, biennials, or annuals. These are tall plants that attract bees, butterflies, and birds. They prefer full sun and are usually planted between March and May. The flowers come in varying shades of yellow.