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What To Do In a Drought

Written by Rachel Downey

My Mission: To educate my customers on how to achieve the perfect lawn and landscaping.

During the hot summer months, St. Louis often experiences long periods without rain. Your grass, even if it is drought resistant, can start to look brown. There are a few things you can do to help your lawn during a drought.

1. Water your lawn 1 inch each week


You can use a sprinkler to water your lawn when you are receiving little rain. Set your sprinkler up for 40 minutes to water an inch, or you can water two days a week for 20 minutes at a time. Make sure when you set up your sprinkler that it is watering all parts of the lawn.

2. Water your lawn early in the day

If you water your lawn early in the morning (before 10:00 am), your grass will soak in more water. If you water in the afternoon when it is the hottest part of the day, the water will evaporate too quickly and your lawn will not soak in as much water.

3. Cut your grass taller

We always recommend cutting your grass taller to keep your grass green and healthy. This is especially important during a drought. This allows the grass roots to grow deeper and absorb more water. Taller grass can shade the roots as well. Cut your lawn at 3.0-4.0 inches tall.


4. Limit the amount of traffic on your lawn


Walking on your lawn compacts the soil, which decreases the amount of water it can absorb. High traffic areas are the first to struggle during a drought.

Downey Lawn Care LLC | Saint Louis, MO | (314)-570-4812

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